Purpose and Passion in Practice

CAVAD Architecture Symposium 2023

CBU Architecture Symposium

Purpose and Passion in Practice

CBU Architecture Symposium
March 17 – 18, 2023
Riverside, California

All Events will be held:*
Adams Building – RM 113
3739 Adams Street, Riverside CA

*Event will also be broadcast to registered remote participants


Program Statement:

We are reminded that our job is not our purpose. But our job – our calling – can be a huge part of the way we live out our purpose to proclaim the Gospel and build the Kingdom of God. But just like it looks different to lead a church in Beijing vs Paris vs Dallas, living out our calling as architects can look very different for each of us in our specific contexts. Some of us will work in arenas where our faith must be lived and not openly spoken. Some of us will get the opportunity to shape our work around clearly Christian values and principles. Some of us will work as architects on explicitly missional efforts around the world. God’s will for us is to use whatever opportunity He gives us to do His work. CBU Architecture’s Spring symposium on Purpose and Passion in Practice will bring together a variety of guests who have lived out their purpose in all of these ways and more, revealing the potential for eternal value in whatever path one may find themselves on, now and in the future.

Join us as we embark on a journey filled with authentic discussions, enlightening presentations, and networking-resource growing opportunities with a wide range of practitioners, academics, and alumni focused on purpose and passion in practice!


Steering Committee

Professor Keelan Kaiser, FAIA
Professor Mark Roberson, AIA
Professor Aaron Greene, AIA

Invited Speakers

Douglas Alligood (BIG)
Rick Archer (Overland Partners)
Gabrielle Bullock (Perkins and Will)
Drake Dillard (Perkins and Will)
Gary Wang (Wang Architects)
Stephanie Vaz Ferreira (Gensler)
Kaylan Cummins (Ruhnau Clark Architects)
Kyle Mertensmeyer (August Green)
Alex Gordon (DLR-LA)
Jessica Adetoro (The Smith Group)
James Wirick (LPA)
Joanna Nsenga (Missionary-Journeymen International)
John Hudson (100 Fold)
Fred Naff (Missionary-GEM)
Andriani Soine (SOM-NY)
Jack Gonzalez (Populous)

Symposium Schedule

MARCH 17 – MARCH 18, 2023

All Events will be held:*
Adams Building – RM 113
3739 Adams Street, Riverside CA

*Event will also be broadcast to registered remote participants

Friday March 17, 2023

9:00am            Opening and Welcome

9:15am            Opening Keynote

Rick Archer, Overland Partners

10:30am          Break / Network

10:45am          Session 2 – Dynamic Practices and Experiences

Lamar Johnson, Lamar Johnson Collaborative
Kyle Mertensmeyer, August Green

12-1pm           Faculty and Guest luncheon hosted in room ARCH 218

1:15pm           Session 3 – Alumni Panel Discussion: Exceptional Practices Afar

Alex Gordon, DLR – LA
Andriani Soine, SOM – NY
Jack Gonzalez, Populous – KC

2:30pm           Break / Networking

2:45pm           Session 4 – Alumni Panel Discussion 2 – Services and Alternatives Afar

Stephanie Vaz Ferreira, Gensler – San Francisco
Kaylan Cummins – Gateway Culture
Joanna Nsenga, Journeyman Intl’l – Rwanda

4:00pm           Break / Networking / Re-Gather – Staples Room

4:30pm           Closing Keynote

Douglass Aligood

6:00pm           Family Dinner – Staples Room


Saturday March 18, 2023

8:00am            Prayer Breakfast in Support of Local Firms

9:00am            Session 6 – Missions Panel Discussion

John Hudson, 100Fold
Fred Naff, GEM

10:00am          Session 7 – Regional Exemplar Practices

Gabrielle Bullock, Perkins & Will
James Wirick, LPA

11:15am         Session 7 – Closing Perspectives, Unique Contributions in Practice

Drake Dillard, Perkins & Will
Gary Wang, Wang Architects
Jess Adetoro, Arquitina Mentor & Smith Group – Chicago

1:00pm           Closing Comments

Symposium Attendance

Contact Leslie Valazquez at lvelazquez@calbaptist.edu to register intent to attend.

Travel & Lodging

Symposium will take place on the California Baptist University Campus in Riverside, CA.

Participants are asked to arrange their own lodging if needed.  Suggested local hotels are below:

Mission Inn
3649 Mission Inn Ave.
Riverside, CA  92501

Hyatt Place – Riverside
3500 Market Street
Riverside, CA  92501

Marriott Riverside at the Convention Center
3400 Market Street
Riverside, CA

Past Symposia

2022 – Transcendence, Imagination, and a Secular Age

October 21 – October 22, 2022
Riverside, California

Over the course of 400 – 500 years, Western civilization has moved from a culture where it was virtually impossible to not believe in God, to a culture where many find the idea of believing in God difficult to fully embrace. As Charles Taylor describes in his work, A Secular Age, the decline in religious participation by larger numbers of non-believers is not the defining marker of our ‘secular’ age. Rather, Taylor argues that our current age is defined by a fundamental shift in the plausibility structures and social imaginaries that support belief. Whereas sixteenth-century imaginaries understood the world as both immanent and transcendent with a porous boundary, the contemporary world operates from a closed immanent frame leaving individuals with un-situated lingering notions of the transcendent. The fundamental result is that individuals are now simultaneously pressured by belief and unbelief. Those who are disconnected from religious faith are ‘haunted’ by the transcendent, fearing something may have been lost, and those who have faith often believe while doubting.

The 2022 CBU Architecture symposia explores the role of architecture in responding to our ‘secular age’ as described by Taylor. Papers or presentations may include, but are not limited to, architectural, urbanistic, interior, theological, missiological, liturgical, sociological, and community development considerations of:

The Role of Beauty in a Secular Age
Architectural Witness and Faith
Transcendence in the Ordinary
Architecture and Imagination
Transcendence in Sacred Architecture
Architecture’ Role in Social Imaginaries
Emerging Trajectories in Church Architecture
Architecture Within an Immanent Frame

2018 – Contemplating Warehouses and Worship

October 19-20, 2018
Riverside, California

The 2018 CBU Architecture Symposium addressed and assessed the contemporary situation of church design practice including:

From Church to Warehouse, From Warehouse to Church
Exploring Attractional Church Architecture
Architectural Form Responses to Church Outreach Models
Efficacy of Architectural Evangelism
Sacredness and Evangelical Architecture
Church Architecture in a Secular Culture
Role of Patronage in Church Architecture
Archetypes and Antitypes
Architecture and Great Awakenings
Emerging Evangelical Liturgy
Emerging Trajectories in Church Architecture

Keynote Lecture: Dr. Jeanne Halgren Kilde, University of Minnesota